
I know it  gets tiring. I know. But we press on. Press on, my friend. Don’t succumb to the weary feet, the worn-out heart, the loaded mind. Press on. Hold on to…

12 a.m. Ramblings – Endurance

12 a.m. on a chilly Chicago night. The only lights that are on are the Christmas lights at a distance and my laptop screen. I love the silence that brings…

Remove Worry, Pray Differently

Thoughts. They have the power to heal and the power to destroy. How many hours have I wasted dwelling on things I have no control over! The future, current circumstances,…

When God is “Late”: God’s Timing vs Our Timing

If you’ve never been to Chicago, it is almost a requirement that you visit the Sears Tower (or, if you’re a tourist, you call it by its actual name: the…

Hymn of the Month: It Is Well With My Soul

I have a huge appreciation and love for hymns. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until I was faced with trouble and hardship that I discovered their great power. As I see it,…

When you just…can’t! Overcoming doubt, fear and other things.

You can do it! Ok! I can do it. You can do it! It’s not working, but I’ll try again. You can do it! I’ve tried. You can do it!…

Alien Hands, Halo and a Waiter – Waiting and Being Still

Waiting is not my cup of tea. Neither is being still. In fact, I’m pretty good with being busy and getting things done. Now, THAT’s what I’m talking about. Give…

New Song: In only You

Hey guys! I know it’s been a while, and I owe you a gazillion posts, but I assure you they ARE coming. I have about two devos and one series…

8 Ways to *Lose* Control…and Let God Take Control

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, control is “to have power over” something. As humans, we love to have control over the things that we do. We love to have…

Faith is NOT a feeling

“How am I going to serve a God I don’t love?” “I don’t really feel like praying, going to church or reading my bible” “God doesn’t ‘speak’ to me as…